September 05, 2008

Chaos at Spiderwick House (As Usual)

This is what happens when Puppy gets big enough to jump on the bed himself - and suprises himself when he manages to do it!

You'll notice that H.R.H. Gypsy was also very suprised - and much less amused about it than hubby and I were. This is after all her room - and her bed. We thought it was hilarious. The spitting cat had a much different opinion. The evil beast had invaded her domain and she felt he must pay. Fortunately everyone made it out alive and unscathed.

Everyone enjoy your weekend! I leave you with this very funny YouTube video. Some people have just overly active imaginations and way too much time on their hands.


Anonymous said...

that was pretty friggin good!!

Awad said...

Yeah! That was very cool!