Baby Comes Home...
After 3 1/2 long years, my beautiful 9 pound furball has come home to live with me. I'd post a picture of her but she is currently hiding in a corner behind a bag of golf clubs. She's not so much wanting to come out and play. The kitty with the worst abandonment issues you could possibly imagine, is for the 3rd time having to figure out a new home. But, I'm quite happy to have her back with me. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to pick her up and hug her and love her. I hope she comes out long enough to eat her dinner tonight!
9 days and counting...
Lest you all think I'm joking, I have picture for you all of the current state of my garage. Mr. & Mrs. Previous Owner have yet to contact us about the removal of the rest of their items. I wait with bated breath for the 15th of January when I will finally, legally be able to throw out all their crap. Incidentally, if anyone out there cans their own food, I might be able to give you a good deal on about 4,000 mason jars in various sizes. You think I'm kidding...
This shot was taken from the doorway going into the kitchen. There's a wide enough walkway to get from the kitchen door, out of the garage, but that's about it. What you don't see is all the stuff that's on the shelves lining the garage walls, and the stuff that's leaning against the wall alongside where I'm standing.
And those of you who want to see a picture of the outside of the house:
This is a photo of the ornament, my very talented aunt made for Hubby and me for Christmas. This is exactly what our house looks like. She did such an awesome job!
Resolution updates...
The weight loss is going well ... of course, that could be because I have the stomach flu and haven't been able to eat anything for 2 days. An effective, but not very desirable method of weight loss. This of course negates resolution number 8, cook more - don't much feel like cooking if I'm not going to eat.
Finally, resolution number 7 is cruising right along. However, I've switched from knitting the kitty pi, to knitting a kitty tunnel. Infinitely easier project for someone just learning to knit in the round. I'll post pictures of my progress soon.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
Before we officially take it down, I wanted to share with you all the lovely light fixture that is currently hanging in my dining room:
The horseshoe is my favorite part...
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